Thursday 9 May 2019

Until Next Time

We said our annual farewells to the children and staff at Sanyu last evening (Wednesday) - always one of the most difficult parts of our trip. It’s been another amazing experience. We feel so blessed to have the privilege of being welcomed into the Sanyu family.
God bless you all as you continue to serve the children He places in your care.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Oh What Fun it is to Ride...

Well, the new van was put to good use on Monday. It was a rather impromptu adventure but late in the morning several of the older children along with some adults (we won’t say how many people were in the 15-passenger van 🙂) piled in and Michael took us on an outing, a rare treat for the children. 
As we made our way through some streets in the neighbourhood the children were screaming with excitement as they took in all the sights and sounds. They also initiated songs of praise and thanksgiving to God - what a joyful noise. 
We ended up at the cathedral just up the hill from Sanyu where there are some large open lawns. The children were thrilled to be able to run freely while  throwing, kicking and chasing balls and generally having fun being kids...and the adults enjoyed being kids too. 
Soon it was time to get back in the van for the drive down the hill. What a delight to see everyone enjoying such a simple outing...and the getting there and driving home was half the fun. 
“Children are a gift from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). 


Sunday 5 May 2019

You've Got The Sweetest Little Baby Face

You've got the cutest little baby face
There's not another who could take your place...

 You are marvelously made, body and soul!

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Psalms 139:13 NLT

Friday 3 May 2019

Every Day Is Laundry Day

One of the many chores at Sanyu is doing laundry. And it’s a huge chore. Imagine all that is involved in keeping the clothes and bedding of 53 children clean. That keeps the laundry staff and several volunteers busy each and every day. 

Generous donors made a huge difference when they provided these industrial washing machines a couple of years ago. They wash several loads daily. 
Many items need extra attention and must be scrubbed by hand. 
Then there’s the drying...

...the sorting...
...and finally the wearing. 
Thank you Sanyu Babies’ Home for all you do in caring for the precious little gems God has placed in your care. 

Wednesday 1 May 2019

A New Gate for Sanyu

We have another project update to share today. Prior to arriving at Sanyu we were made aware of the need for a new security gate. The old one had fallen down several times recently during some bad storms and it put the lives of the guards at risk.

We met with Barbara and a welder.  After the design and color for the new gate was determined, the welder and his team began the work at their shop.

Last Wed the gate arrived to be installed. One of the guards when he saw the gate arrive ran to tell the director with a huge smile on his face. He was so excited that he looked like a boy with a new toy. A team of 8 men removed the old gate and then, after some prep work, the new gate was lifted into place and some adjustments were made.

As others came to see what was happening, the office secretary said, “Our year has started great with a new gate. Now we are praying for a car.” Little did she know what was to happen the following day.

This past Saturday the finish coat was applied to the gate and side door.

Many thanks from the Sanyu family go out to the Canadian donors who made this project possible.