Sunday 14 December 2014

...And in Kampala, Uganda right now there are 50 orphaned babies (age newborn - 4 years) living at Sanyu Babies Home.
Each one has a story...abandoned in a bar...found in the bushes...pulled from an out-door toilet...left at Sanyu by a parent unable to meet their baby's needs...
But each one also has the hope of a different story.  A story where they become part of a loving family.  Until that happens, the wonderful people of Sanyu Babies' Home (which means Home of Joy) have become their "family".
The over-worked staff strives each day to fulfill their mission "to provide Christ-like love to babies and children deprived of parental love and reintegrating them into the community through reunititng them with their families, fostering or adoption."

We feel very blessed that God has opened the door for us to go and help care for these precious little ones for four weeks. On January 13 we will embark on our journey to Africa.  We look forward with great anticipation, to discovering the exciting pathway God is preparing and pray He will use us to be a blessing and encouragement to those He places on that path.

Through this blog, we invite you to join us on the journey.

Cheryl and Muriel


  1. Hi Muriel, I'm so excited for you and what God has planned for your trip. I'm a little envious too. Love on all those babies for me!

    1. Will do DiAnn...that won't be hard. Sure brings back memories of Kenya 2006 as we make our preparations.

  2. Nice Blog, should be great for everyone to follow your trip.

  3. Glad you both arrived safely.Just had an e mail from Laura Bonney and a Facebook message from Muriel.
    Clifford Delong
