Tuesday 23 December 2014

Everywhere babies! That will have a whole new context for us in three weeks. But in the meantime it seems like it's true in our lives here at home right now.
Cheryl has had the joy of walking alongside friends recently on the road of adoption. A few days ago their precious new baby girl arrived. So loved, so hoped for, so cherished. And Cheryl, too, has been blessed to be part of that journey.

The DeLongs are delighted that there is a precious baby boy expected to arrive to my nephew and his wife in April. Last night his 5-year-old sister excitedly told me on the phone, "Aunt Murl, I heard my brother's heart beat today." Another baby being awaited with such joy and anticipation.

How can it be that there are other babies entering this world who are not wanted? Who are being deliberately harmed? Who are being discarded? We don't ever expect to have an answer for that. But we do know this - they are loved. The God of Christmas loves them. We know it pains Him to see their suffering, to see how humanity can treat His precious little ones. But the God of Christmas also gives them (and us) hope. And it is our desire to express that love and hope as we travel to Uganda in three weeks.

Thanks for joining us and praying for and with us as we prepare to go.

Wishing you a joyous Christmas as you celebrate the most precious Baby to ever enter this world - "The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay."

1 comment:

  1. Very exciting and scary....
    May God keep you from harms way and guide you in the adventure that you are about to embark on.
    Looking forward to reading about your journey.
    God bless you both
