Thursday 3 May 2018

Bye Bye Akampa...

As expected, Allan’s departure brought a mixture of emotions. It seemed the same was true for him. He is old enough to understand, to some extent, that this would mean a big change for him. He seemed both excited and nervous as the staff each said their goodbyes and as his friends sang a touching farewell song before he climbed into the truck taking him to the bus park where he would begin a long overnight journey with the wonderful Sanyu social worker who accompanied him. Then, to reach his new village their journey would end with a boda ride. The Sanyu staff has done a great job of preparing Allan as much as possible for this transition in his life. 

Just prior to departing Sanyu I was invited to also accompany Allan to the bus park. It was a privilege to sit beside this little boy, about to embark on a journey far bigger than riding a bus and a boda, and hopefully provide a small measure of love and reassurance and reminders of God’s love for him. I also boarded the bus and helped him get settled into his seat before a final farewell. 

Allan’s African name is Akampa. This is the song the children sang as he departed from Sanyu and it is our hope and prayer for him too.
Bye bye Akampa
Bye bye Akampa
Bye bye Akampa 
May God bless you


  1. Heather Goodwin3 May 2018 at 20:10

    I think there would be a lump in my throat and a big emptiness in my heart today if I were there with you. I'm sure there are some sad Mama's after this darling little boy left them! He is one of those children who seem to cement themselves into everyone's life. When I watched him hanging on to Andrew during our Skype session it was evident that was the case. I will be praying for his adjustment as I know you all are there. Also praying for all the Mamas who will miss him.

  2. Ditto to Heather's comments. Sanyu certainly gave this little guy a loving start on his life journey. Praying he will adjust easily with his family. BLDC
