Friday 11 May 2018

Gratitude and Farewells

Apologies to you faithful blog followers for not posting during our final few days in Uganda.  Technology didn't always work the same there as at home and blogging became complicated and time consuming. 

So here's a wrap-up...
As always, the final couple of days were busy with saying goodbyes, tying up loose ends with projects, getting packed, etc.

We also took time to spend some final special moments with the children.  We told the older ones that we would soon be going in an airplane and that meant we would be gone for a long time. There were a variety of reactions (some becoming very serious, some repeating the information to others) as they processed this, no doubt being reminded that this happens on a regular basis as new friends come and go.

We are so grateful for the dear mamas and other staff who steadfastly, though often weary and sometimes sick, love and care for these precious little ones day after day and night after night.

On Tuesday, the day before we left, as the children napped, we gathered in the hut (a large open shelter with a thatched roof) to sing, pray and be together and to express our appreciation to all the staff for the wonderful way they love and care for the children and for welcoming us into the Sanyu family.  Also, on behalf of our many supporters from home, we were able to provide each staff member with a small financial gift.

After each member of our team thanked the staff, one by one, many staff members stood to express their personal appreciation to us.  They mentioned things that seem so small in the run of a day...hanging and folding laundry, feeding babies, washing dishes... They were also grateful for the projects which were completed and were especially excited about the playground.  One mama asked "Why us?" Our only answer was "Because this is where God called us to go."

As our time of departure grew closer many staff came to us individually to thank us and some shared how they intend to make use of the cash they received...assisting with school fees for their children, helping to cover the cost of medication for a father, purchasing coffee plants to begin a source of supplementary income.

And as they thanked us they repeatedly and emphatically requested we pass on their greetings, blessings and gratitude to their brothers and sisters in Canada.  So thank you dear friends, from Cheryl, Jodi, Andrew and Muriel for allowing us the privilege of representing you in Uganda. Thanks also from the children and from the staff and board of Sanyu Babies' Home for your interest, prayers and financial support which help them do what they do each and every day.
God bless you!


1 comment:

  1. Heather Goodwin13 May 2018 at 03:59

    Such a wonderful update of your final days there. Team, thanks for all you did on our behalf! Thanks too for sharing these touching photos which remind us of the sweet children who are loved and cared for so well at this wonderful Home. Being able to see the dear mama's who do so much helps keep them in our minds and prayers. Glad to have you back home safely!
