Wednesday 2 May 2018


Today is a big day for a special boy at Sanyu.

Cheryl and I met Allan when we came to Uganda for the first time in 2015. He really captured our hearts when he had an asthmatic attack one morning and we helped with his treatment until the Sanyu nurse arrived to begin her shift. Later we visited him in hospital. Allan taught us that if you don’t have a stethoscope available, an ear to the chest can work just as well.

Each year we’ve come we’ve enjoyed seeing how he’s grown and developed - learning our names and delighting in using them, having a fascination with watches, overseeing the playground project...

He was part of the excitement over the crib project last year.

And this year he got to be one of the first kids to enjoy the new play equipment.

Over the past three weeks Allan and Andrew have become best buddies, with Allan always asking about him if Andrew wasn’t at the home for some reason and giving updates on his observations (eg. “Andrew has gum boots”)

Having arrived when he was just a few months old, Sanyu has been Allan’s home for the past 4-1/2 years. Today he will travel with a Sanyu social worker to another area of Uganda where members of his family have been located and are now able to care for him.

We trust, in the long run, that this will be in Allan’s best interest. However, we know initially he will face confusion and loneliness as he adjusts to his new environment. Please pray with us that those adjustments will go as smoothly as possible.

God bless you Allan. May you always know His great love for you.


  1. Praying for Allan as well as all the Sanyu staff and volunteers. A day of new beginnings for Allan as well as his family who will adjust to a 4 1/2 year old they have not known. Praise God he has known the love of his Sanyu family all these years. BLDC

  2. God bless him. We will be praying for God’s care ove him. How wonderful that he will be with family.

  3. Heather Goodwin2 May 2018 at 17:52

    Tears are in my eyes right now. I know it is best for him to be with his family but I can imagine the emotions he will face in adjusting to not being with what he considered "family" for the last 4 1/2 years. You and Cheryl were also a part of that for him and we saw how much he loves Andrew from our skype session. Both a sad and happy time for sure! May God go with him and bless his little life. Hope the social workers will help with his adjustment and his family will cover him with love as much as the mamas have. What a sweet boy!

  4. When I saw Allan's picture I recognized him as Andrew's shadow. Praying for his adjustment and that all will go well. God will hold Him safe in His loving Hands.
    Love, Donna
