Monday 8 April 2019

Sanyu...Take 5

We are amazed and so grateful for the privilege of returning to Sanyu Babies’ Home for the fifth time. After weeks of being busy with preparation and packing, we are relaxing in Montreal as we await our next flight. If all goes as planned, we will arrive in Uganda shortly after 10pm tomorrow night (just after 4pm in NB).
Thanks for sharing the journey and joining us as we experience what God has in store for the next few weeks. We look forward to reuniting with our Sanyu family to help care for the precious children God has entrusted to them.
Cheryl is enjoying some R&R on her birthday. 🎈🎈🎈


  1. God bless you both as you once again serve God and those babies in Uganda. Happy birthday, Cheryl!


  2. Glad you were able to rest in Montreal. So glad things are going smoothly so far & praying for a safe arrival tomorrow. XOXO

  3. Sorry I did not make it to the airport for your departure yesterday but I was thinking of you. Belated birthday wishes to Cheryl and blessings to you both as you journey and reconnect with those precious little ones. I'll be following your blog and praying for you. Greta

  4. Hope your having fun Madelyn Delong
