Thursday 25 April 2019

Have Van - Will Travel (around the block)

Over the past several months most of you have been hearing about our (Global Endeavours’) goal to raise funds to make a substantial deposit on the purchase of a van for Sanyu Babies’ Home. Soon after our arrival, Barbara invited us to accompany her when she delivered the deposit to the sales agent using those funds, which many of you contributed to. Sanyu has done further fundraising and received donations for the remainder.

After delays in getting the paperwork processed, this morning Barbara informed us that the van was ready for pickup. The long awaited day had arrived.

She made a plan to go with Michael, the Sanyu driver, to pick up the van but she didn't tell him where they were going until they were on their way. She loves to surprise people.

Michael arrived back at Sanyu with the van and was greeted with whoops, hollers and songs of praise to God from some of  the surprised staff.

Barbara gathered up a few of the children who had just awoken from their nap. They were helped into the van. Some staff and the Canadians jumped in too. Since the additional seats which will be added are not yet installed, most of us were sitting on the floor of the cargo area. Barbara then prayed a prayer of dedication to the Lord, first in Luganda (the local language), then in English, thanking God for His goodness and faithfulness. She prayed for protection over the vehicle and those who would travel in it and for the presence of God’s angels and the Holy Spirit to fill the van each time it is used.

Then driver Michael took us all around the block for a drive. We sang songs with the children but they mostly looked around wide eyed not sure what was really happening.

When we got back to Sanyu some of the children didn't need any coaxing to get out but one girl named Abigail cried because she wanted to go more. Joshua asked if they could go again tomorrow and the next day.

We feel very humbled and blessed to be here to experience this day. Once again we pass on the immense gratitude of the Sanyu family to all who have made it possible. And we thank God for His abundant provision.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21)



  1. Micheal would have been ecstatic!! I cant even imagine what his face looked like.

  2. WOW....what an exciting day. GOD IS GOOD.....BLDC
