Thursday 11 April 2019

Warm Welcome

 In many ways it feels like we never left Sanyu. As always, we have been joyfully welcomed with open arms and huge smiles. The phrases we keep hearing are, “God bless you.” & “Thank you for loving us.” What a joy to love the people who make up our Sanyu family and to know they truly sense our love. And indeed, God is blessing us.
Today we got to spend more time with the children and began trying to identify the names and faces of those who were here a year ago and beginning to learn new ones. One way to renew and make new friendships is to bring out the bubbles. This afternoon Cheryl left the guesthouse with a tube of bubble solution and within two minutes I could hear the squeals and laughter, making Sanyu Babies’ Home truly sound like the Home of Joy.


  1. Awwww...such beautiful happy faces. God is good indeed! Praying all continues to go well as you do what you have been called to do. BLDC

  2. Love to hear what God is doing through you and Cheryl in this place. HBM

  3. Praying for Sanyu…...for the blessings you will receive and the blessings that you will give. Miss you already friend.
