Saturday 27 April 2019

Fun With Colours

As we’ve mentioned before, a popular activity which we often do with the children is blowing bubbles. As a result, when we go over to the home we are usually greeted with a chorus of children asking, “Bubbles?”

On Thursday we did a different activity using food colouring, baking soda and vinegar in muffin tins to create small, colourful “volcanos”.  Now we also hear an occasional “Colours?”  

Enjoy some pictures of our fun morning. 


  1. Muriel and Cheryl, thanks so much for sharing your time in Uganda on this blog. The stories and you both are a blessing to all. I'm sure God will continue to use you in this special place, Sanyu Babies Home!

  2. I love reading your blog and following your story. God bless you and Sanyu Babies Home as do his work there.

  3. Oh so much fun...for kids big & small. Who had the most fun....the big kids or the little ones??? Blessings to ypu both as God uses your talents in this special place. BLDC

  4. Now I would love to be there to do that activity. What a combination.....Sweet kids and colorful paints! Just as God created a world of beautiful color, He has put within all of us a love of creating with color. So wonderful seeing these little ones using that creativity! HG

  5. This is a great activity! looking forward to seeing more!
