Friday 12 April 2019

Taste and See

        On arrival at Sanyu we were blessed with a beautiful fruit basket from a dear friend.

This afternoon I decided to make something with an avocado. Now here in Uganda the avocados are giants, nothing like what we have in Canada. Muriel and I weighed the largest one and it came in at 2.2lbs!


Using another variety of avocado, with purple skin like eggplant, I got started to make some guacamole.

                   The pit itself was the size of an avocado we would buy at home.

The finished product after adding a package of spice mix looks delicious. It is chilling in the fridge for our afternoon snack. 

We have now tasted and it's delicious, especially with a Novida, which is a pineapple soda.

In Psalm 34:8 David reminds us to:

Taste and see that the Lord is good...

We are tasting and seeing the goodness of the Lord in the produce of this land. 


  1. what a wonderful treat! Enjoy every second! your hearts must be exploding!

  2. Sure looks good!BLDC
