Tuesday 23 April 2019


  You've perhaps read that it is hotter here this year and we're finding ourselves overheated many days. So we called our special hire driver to take us to Shop Rite to purchase a fan for our room. Our Missionary friends who taught us so much about life in Kampala will remember our zeal for fans.

Muriel put it together (with a little help from her room mate) and reaped the first benefits.

On Easter Sunday after church we walked up the hill to Sanyu. We were dripping hot. In our overheated state we came up with a new way to cool off. Spray water on your face with a spray bottle and then sit in front of the fan.

You could say that we've  become a couple of fan-atics.

Seriously though, our zeal is not about fans. Our passion is following Christ as a disciple.

Are you a fan or a follower of Jesus?
Here's a link to an interview with Kyle Idleman, author of Not A Fan.


  1. God gave each of you the gift of ingenuity..so nice to see you using it! Stay cool girls! BLDC
