Wednesday 4 February 2015

A Busy Day

Had a mixture of experiences today. 

We spent the morning at Bullrushes Babies Home which is operated by Watoto. Many of you will know name in connection with the children's choir that tours in North America from time to time. Visiting there had been a dream of Cheryl's since she and her husband hosted some choir members in 2009. 

We enjoyed the opportunity to see another facility that cares for orphans and to play with some of the precious babies living there. Bullrushes is starkly different from Sanyu. The difference in the level of funding is very evident. 

This afternoon a visitor arrived to pick up a gift to be delivered to a special little girl I helped care for more than 8 years ago at a babies home in Nairobi, Kenya.  I have been able to stay in contact with her adoptive family who has a friend here in Kampala. I am delighted to be able to give her a personal gift after all this time. 

Later in the afternoon we went to visit one of the Sanyu babies who was admitted to a nearby hospital yesterday with asthma (our diagnosis).  We were able to walk there, with 13-year-old Stella as our very capable guide. 

This little boy is in a very small room with 3 other babies, each with at least 1 care-giver who stays with the child throughout their stay to provide their basic needs including bathing, meals and water.   He is improving some but is still quite sick and remains on oxygen. Please pray for him as well as Rachael, the mama from Sanyu who is staying with him. 

Somewhere in the day we also spent some time with the babies at Sanyu. 

Tomorrow we are heading on an adventure within our adventure. We will travel to Murchison Falls area and on Friday enter the national park to enjoy a safari. 

We may not have WiFi, so tales of our animal encounters might have to wait until we get back to Kampala on the weekend.  Okay giraffes and elephants, here we come!

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