Saturday 14 February 2015


One week ago today, we were dealing with the physical effects of extreme heat. Now we are dealing with the physical effects of jet lag. 

We are also dealing with the effects of adjusting to life at home after all we have seen and experienced over the past month. 

Many times during our stay in Uganda we said, "There is no way for anyone to understand what it's like here without seeing it for themselves."  

The poverty. The living conditions. The beautiful smiles. The dust. The smells. The spectacular sunrise. The intense heat. The constant noise. The joy of squeezing three little ones onto your lap and wrapping your arms around two others sitting on each side of you. The needs. The hope. The hunger (physical and spiritual). The frustration of language barriers. The faith. The fatigue. The dedication. The gratitude. The...

This has been one of the most amazing and humbling experiences of our lives and we have been changed because of it. 

Our bodies will get used to the cold temperatures. Our sleep/wake pattern will eventually normalize. 

However, it's the changes that have occurred on the inside that are more permanent. We can't just say good bye and forget all that God has given us the privelige of experiencing in Uganda. We now pray He will help us to share our adventure in a way that impacts and challenges others. 

And we pray He will use this leg of life's journey to prepare us for the path ahead. 

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