Monday 2 February 2015

If We Had a Million Dollars

The babies' home obviously has a constant need for funding just to operate from day to day.  It also is in need of refurbishment. Many basic items, like high chairs are lacking.  If we only had a million dollars!

This is back-to-school week in Uganda. There has been a real sense of stress and concern among the staff regarding being able to afford the fees required for their children to return to school.  If we only had a million dollars!

Some of the staff are wearing tattered dresses and worn out shoes.  They are in  such need. If we only had a million dollars!

One of the staff had a heart attack last year and currently needs medicine she is unable to afford. If we only had a million dollars!

We don't have a million dollars and we are overwhelmed by the needs staring us in the face each day. However, we pray for wisdom about how to help with what we have available to us as a result of the generosity of so many people at home who are part of this journey. 

Thank you. 

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