Monday 9 February 2015


We are down to our last couple of days here and our hearts are heavy at the thought of leaving. 

While our focus has been on the care and well-being of the precious children here at Sanyu Babies' Home we have been priveliged to work side-by-side with some amazing and dedicated staff. 

We have been given a bit of insight into the lives they live. Most, if not all, of them struggle financially. Yesterday we were able to talk with the administrator about how we may be able to help meet some of their needs by using the money God supplied through the generosity of many of you. 

We were able to assist with an immediate need. One of the mamas has been unable to afford a visit to the doctor and the blood pressure medication she requires.   We were able to supply enough for the doctor's visit and the two medications she needs for one month - all for $21.79. 

What a humbling privilege to use God's money to bless others. 

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