Sunday 8 February 2015

Safari (And Other African Adventures)

We returned last night from a three-day trip north of Kampala to Murchison Falls. Our main purpose for going was to enjoy a safari, also known as a game drive, at the national park there. However, the trip to and from our destination was as much a part of our journey as seeing the animals. 

It is impossible to describe all that we saw and experienced. Once we escaped the hustle and bustle of this busy city we soon got a glimpse into the rural village life of Uganda. 

The strength and stamina of the people of these villages is unbelievable. Women carry huge bundles of wood, on their heads for the most part, to their homes to be used for cooking meals. Children carry large, heavy jerry cans filled with water, also often on their heads, to supply the family's needs. Men (also women and children in some cases) work the land using only manual labour with simple hand tools. 

Along one stretch of road a water line was being installed that will extend for several miles. The digging to lay the line was being done completely by pick and shovel. The trenches appeared to be about chest deep. 

Each neighbourhood consists of about 5 - 20 small thatched "huts" made of mud or bricks and sometimes one or two larger buildings. 

We can't imagine what day to day life must be like for these people and wondered out loud if they feel hopeless or happy. 

The safari was amazing. Again, it's impossible to convey the experience adequately in words. Seeing the incredibly beautiful, cute and ugly animals (the warthog is so ugly it is cute) in their vast natural habitat was awesome. And God blessed us with a lion-sighting. Just as we were about to leave the park our driver, Robert, spotted one.  It turned out to be one of a family of four - a male, a female and two cubs.  We had been warned that many people don't get to see lions so we were especially thrilled by the privilege. 

The trip back to Kampala was yet another adventure. Our bodies didn't respond very well to the extreme heat during our expedition. Let's just say we experienced using various types of toilet facilities during the eight-hour trip...and got to use our travel-size roll of Charmin. 

We have rested well overnight though and feel refreshed to complete our last few days here at Sanyu. 

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