Wednesday 3 May 2017

Paradise on the Nile

We returned to Sanyu this afternoon after 3 days of rest and relaxation with our missionary friends Laura and Ruth.

Last week we proudly ordered our first birthday cake in Uganda at a shop that we could walk to. It was to celebrate Laura's special was called 'Black Forest Cake' but it was really chocolate cake with chocolate icing. Laura said it was the best cake she has had in Uganda.

Two of the days were spent along the Nile in Jinja. We marvelled at the sights and sounds there... a troop of very active monkeys, including their small babies, were great entertainment in the trees as we played a game of Upwords on the patio.

Men casting nets from boats on the Nile could be heard talking in their native tongue. Kayakers were seen effortlessly floating along as the current carried them downstream.

Birds of many varieties sang their beautiful songs. Groups of egrets flew close to the water on their way down the river.

We had a refreshing swim in the pool and lots of laughs as we told stories. Ugandan children called out "Hi Muzungo" from trees they had climbed as they watched us swim. Later we went to talk with them. I asked " How many are you?" as they were behind a wooden fence we had to peek through. They smiled and said "we are five of seven".  I asked their names. "Sandra, Faith, Elijah, Esther and Tressy" were their replies. They are on a school break and were in the trees picking avocados. They told us they were acting like monkeys. I said "but you don't have a tail!"

We saw heat lightening in the distance both nights. Last night, as we were sitting out on the patio of our banda looking at the stars, and listening to loudly croaking frogs, Muriel and I noticed some fire flies. We weren't able to stay out much longer as a storm approached with two good sized lightening bolts. It rained soon after.

Indoor picnics, devotion times together and missionary stories are some highlights of our trip. Thank you Laura and Ruth for sharing your stories and these days with us. You are such a blessing.

After a relaxing brunch in the banda we headed back toward the sights and sounds of Kampala.
It doesn't take long to miss the serenity of the Nile.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time of relaxation. Now you are back to the hustle & bustle of the city and of course all the excitement that goes along with all the activity of Sanyu. Your time there has gone by so quickly, but God has used that time to accomplish much. The pictures are lovely! BLDC

  2. Wonderful that you were able to have those few days away. Praying for you both and all at Sanyu as your time is winding down. see you next week at the airport. Josh. 1:9 DM

  3. So nice hearing of your time with Laura and Ruth. It is so special that God has them there for you to "catch a breath" and also for them to "catch a breath of home." It seems impossible that you will soon be returning. Seems you just left us. Time goes so fast when such wonderful things are happening in our lives. What God has accomplished through you both is such a blessing to hear! Can't wait to see all the cribs and beds in a photo. But I'm really waiting to see the response of the kids!! Love and prayers to you both and to the staff there as you enjoy your time left and continue to bless those special little ones. HG
