Monday 8 May 2017

The Many Sounds of Kampala

These are some of the sounds we hear from our room at the guest house.

Horns of buses, cars, trucks, taxis, bodas
Sirens and loud speakers from emergency vehicles

Roosters crowing, any time of day or night
Hens clucking

People talking, shouting and laughing mixed with Lugandan conversation

Babies crying
Ibis (birds) that sound like babies crying and in some parts of Uganda are said to quiet crying babies
Children playing

Traffic police blowing whistles
Kitten meowing
Rain on tin roof
Brakes squealing
Call to prayer from mosques


Sweeping of african broom
People walking or running past our window
Marching Bands in the street playing

Shuffling of feet
Souped up cars

Doors banging
Gas powered grass cutters
Pied crows cawing

Train whistle and wheels on tracks
Car alarm
Chopping of wood
Whip- poor-will
Construction sounds

Imagine hearing many of these at once.

Tonight we will post about the Great Crib /Bed Adventure.


  1. Praying as you are in your last day there and tomorrow heading back home. I am looking forward to seeing the crib/bed adventure. How excited they will all be. Probably hard to get those little ones asleep tonight!! Thank you for the great blog updates. Holding you all in prayer. See you when you land. DM

  2. Can't wait to see the next update! Praying you will both get a good sleep tonight as you have a long couple of days ahead of you. With all the excitement of today it may be a bit hard to settle, but those little ones will have nice new comfy beds/cribs. BLDC

  3. Have you on my heart and in my prayers as you wrestle with joy at seeing the celebration of cribs and beds arriving, while at the same time feeling sadness at the thought of leaving those precious babies, kids and staff behind tomorrow. Reminds me of the day Jesus heard of John the Baptist's death while reaching out to heal and help thousands of people on the same day. Yet the sad things are always worth the joys that are also a part of these things, both in the here and now as well as on the other side. God's blessing on you both. Can't wait to hear of today's adventures! Praying as always!! HG
