Monday 8 May 2017


The day finally arrived for the cribs and toddler beds to be delivered.

For several hours it was a whirlwind of activity as old ones were removed and the new ones brought in. Some were put together outside but when the rain started, it was a parade of carpenters, Sanyu staff and volunteers marching in with various parts for assembly inside. 

We were very grateful for answered prayer as a local ministry "Rafiki Africa" chose today to do an outreach project by volunteering at Sanyu. They were so helpful with all the work involved. 

One by one the staff became aware of what was happening. It was touching to see their excitement and to receive their unending expressions of gratitude. 

And then there was that moment when the children came in as the assembling of the toddler beds was being completed and the real "bed"lam started. There were shrieks and shouts and laughter as they ran and jumped around, hardly knowing what to do or where to go first. 

Bedtime was wild and chaotic but we went over around 10pm to check things out and the children were nestled all snug in their beds. 

We hope you enjoy these pictures that help tell the story of what God has accomplished through the support of so many. 


  1. Oh what an exciting day full of blessings on so many levels! The pictures sure tell a wonderful story! God is good. BLDC

  2. How exciting was this day!!!! These beds will hold so many precious little ones over many years to come and I pray that they will feel God's love for them. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures. DM

  3. I became as excited as everyone there when I saw those adorable beds and the kids having such a great time! How thrilling! You certainly had an exciting day but hopefully now are having a very restful sleep to prepare for the long travel home. May God be with you each step of your journey!! HG
