Friday 5 May 2017

Project Updates

Our time here is coming to an end. It is hard to believe we have been here nearly a month.

The projects are being completed...another round of eye exams were done today with glasses to be delivered on Monday. The staff are so thankful.

There will be several things happening on Monday. It will be chaotic but very exciting.

Most of the cribs and toddler beds will be delivered and assembled on arrival. All of the new mattresses will be delivered too. Before that old cribs have to be moved out.

The children will need to be cared for in the classrooms while the work is done. We will be off in all directions trying to capture the process on our cameras.

Please pray for lots of volunteers to help. Most of the staff have no idea about the project.  We expect they will be overjoyed.
Monday night should prove to be so much fun as we tuck the children into new beds!

We have asked for a quote to have storage cupboards built in the sorting room that we cleaned. They will be built after we leave.

God keeps stretching the donation funds so we keep looking for practical ways to help the mamas and children.

One of the toddler boys named Favor was adopted today. There was a big cake for everyone! We had short notice about it and missed seeing him go. It is often hush hush.

The update on Ronald is he is improving with the medication and rest. He is limping less and his beautiful smile has returned.

That's all from Kampala tonight. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. So exciting to see how God's plans are unfolding. Praying for Sanyu and the anticipated excitement on Monday. This is a time of ambivalent feelings for each of you. Praying for peace that passes understanding as you enjoy your last few days in this special place God has led you to. BLDC
