Monday 1 May 2017

Back to Blogging

Sorry for the long absence. We have not had internet access for the past week at Sanyu so we're posting this while visiting friends in another part of Kampala. 

Here are some highlights from last week:

-- The laundry/sorting room has been decluttered and organized. Unusable furniture has been removed. Badly stained and tattered clothing has been discarded or, if still usable, packed to pass on to other children who are much more destitute. This part disturbs us. 

-- We made another trip to the carpentry shop. The cribs and toddler beds are about 1/2 completed and we expect some will be delivered before we leave next week. We also visited a mattress factory with Barbara and have made arrangements for those to be custom made to the proper sizes. 

-- We were able to arrange to have a mobile eye clinic visit Sanyu so staff could get eye exams.  About 1/2 were tested. The remainder will be done another day.  We understand that for many (perhaps most) this was the first time they'd had their eyes checked.  Several needed glasses.  There was much excitement when they were delivered on Friday - and much appreciation expressed. 

We continue to feel very privileged by the opportunity to spend God's money which He has provided through so many generous friends and family members. Thank you again. 

We're not sure when our next opportunity to post will be. But until then, thanks for being part of the journey and for your continued prayers. 

The pictures show staff waiting for eye exams and one of the completed toddler beds. 


  1. Good to hear from you again and wonderful news to read. Enjoy your time with the "girls". Hugs sent to all 4 of you. DM

  2. So many wonderful things happening. Praise God from whom all blessings flow....BLDC

  3. Great to see you back on-line again. Keep it coming if you can. RGD

  4. So exciting to hear all that has been accomplished! Love the bed!! The kids will be so excited you will have to have a party with them. :) God is soooo good to bless the way He has by stretching the dollars so far! Glad to hear from you again and hope it continues. Praying God's continued blessing and mission in your final days there. HG
