Sunday 23 April 2017

What's In a Name

Since returning to Sanyu we have also returned to our African names - Sherry and Maureen. For the most part, those are the names we use when we introduce ourselves. 

On our two previous trips the children have mostly just referred to us as "Mama".  Soon after we arrived this time, though, Allan asked what our names were. I (Muriel) told him we were Sherry and Maureen. He is now very proud to call us by name almost every time he sees us. Others have caught on too. If the children  are standing at the fence when we leave Sanyu on an errand, we hear several voices calling to us as we walk toward the gate, "Goodbye, Sherry. Goodbye, Maureen". Sometimes "mama" or "teacher" may precede our names.

There is one little girl, Daniella, who usually likes to be with me whenever she sees me and often cries when I have to leave her. She's just over 2 and has very little to say.

On Friday she sat with me during morning devotions. Then, hand in hand, I walked her to class, expecting the usual tears when I left. On the steps to the classroom I gave her a kiss and told her to have a good morning. She smiled at me, waved and said, "Goodbye, Mama Maureen." My heart melted.  


  1. Awwww...........BLDC

  2. The loving influence you both are making on the hearts of these precious little ones will show fully in Heaven. Love, DM

  3. great to hear your daily activies Im reading the blog to her then we talk about it gives us better idea what to pray for thank you so much nice day here today love DEB

  4. My heart just melted with yours when I read that! Oh how sweet when little ones connect with us. They return as much love as we give them. So glad that has happened with your trip there this time too. May your days be filled with all the love God gives to share and receive. Hugs!! HG

  5. To Him all the Praise and
    Glory! Mai-Liss
