Wednesday 12 April 2017

The Adventure Begins...Again!

Departure Day- Trip #3

The day we have been anticipating, planning and longing for. We are excited.

We started with some suitcase challenges-as I (Cheryl), started to pack on Sunday evening (one should never leave packing to the last day, unless you've been sick), it became clear that one of the suitcases was too small- with donations packed there was no room for my clothes. A text to Muriel and a promise of a larger suitcase in the morning helped the dilemma.

After a short sleep, Monday morning arrived and it was off to the airport. In the parking lot we unloaded, reloaded and weighed 6 suitcases. There that's done, or so we thought.

On arrival there family and friends soon joined to see us off on the journey.

When we checked our luggage in, 3 of the large bags were 2-3lbs heavy. They asked us to redistribute the weight. Oh my! Where to put this? ...that? As we were going through the process I realized this was a test. Finally we got the bags to their satisfaction. We know people were praying.  Thanks!

We took off without delays, arriving in Montreal in time for a delicious cheeseburger and homemade fries at Avenue des Canadiens.

During our 8 hr layover Muriel caught up some in her journal from our 2016 long does that take you might ask... it's never really fully told or finished.

Our flight for Brussels was delayed because our pilot was held up in Toronto by bad weather.  We boarded and then sat on the tarmac for an hour while a maintenance issue was resolved.

The new 787 Dreamliner was not much of a least for economy passengers...we didn't get any sleep, no dreams for us.

We arrived in Brussels as they were boarding our flight for Entebbe... we asked about our gate... the man said "Entebbe, Gate T, and you need to run!" And so we did.

The next leg of the journey is likened to what we think a 10 minute marathon would be like. Run, sweat, thirst, down stairs, check with agent, hop on transfer bus, run up more stairs with Muriel saying "we're going to make it"... arrive at gate parched. Pit stop then hop in line for check in. We made it. Total time in airport about 15 mins.

On arrival in Entebbe our paperwork went well. Next to pick up our luggage..."is this all the luggage from Brussels? there is no more?" Off to fill out missing luggage papers... please list items in detail...ha, we don't know what is in the suitcases anymore..Delivery to Sanyu expected Thurs.
Our luggage couldn't run as fast as we did.

Barbara, Sanyu's director, met us at the airport with snacks and water. We caught up on our ride. She showed us to our room and said "welcome home". It feels normal yet surreal to be back again. We thank the Lord for the opportunity and thank you all for your love, prayers and support.


  1. From this end Brussels looked like it was going to be a rush but had no idea it would be that bad but was praying you would make your flight ok! So glad you have arrived safely. Hopefully by tomorrow night your luggage will catch up with's all in God's hands & He will deliver.BLDC

  2. Glad you are there safely inspite of your running marathon. Prayers have been answered and I keep praying for a wonderful time with Barbara, the Mama's and the babies. Get some rest too!
    Did you luggage catch up with you? DM

  3. So glad to hear that you arrived safe and sound in spite of the "adventures" on the way. I am praying for God's blessings on you and the home during your time there. HBM
