Thursday 13 April 2017

An Eventful Day

 This morning we were happily reunited with the luggage that wasn't able to keep up with us on the relay to get to Kampala. Everything was intact and looked pretty much the same as when we hastily stuffed things in nooks and crannies at the check-in counter in the Saint John airport. 

After spending a bit of time at the home, most of the morning was spent finding new nooks and crannies for the items we unpacked. Many of them are donations which will be going to Sanyu, but the director had a very busy day so we will deliver those next week, after the long weekend. 

The afternoon held an amazing adventure. Many of you have contributed to the project to replace the cribs and toddler beds for the children. Well, today we accompanied Barbara, the director, to the carpentry shop where they are being constructed. On the way, she shared the story of how this particular shop was chosen. 

Originally, she had decided on a shop which offered to do the work for a very good price, and if anyone can dicker for a good price, it's Barbara. However, not wanting to compromise quality and realizing the workmanship was not to the standard she would like, she decided against that shop. 

It turns out that a local woman, who volunteers weekly at Sanyu, owns a carpentry/furniture shop here in the city. Barbara approached her about the project we had in mind. Her prices are significantly higher than the original shop but the quality of work and wood are superior. The lady told Barbara she would pray about the cost. 

When the reply came, she offered to do the work at no profit, just the cost of materials and to pay her workers. That's about 45 pieces of furniture at no profit!

It has become clear to us that we are just one piece of the puzzle in making this dream become a reality and it was exciting to meet some other members of this team God has compiled. 

The owner, Sarah, greeted us when we arrived at the shop and showed us some of the pieces which have been completed already. We then had the opportunity to see the work area where the sawing, planing, sanding, etc. takes place. We are very pleased with the work being done and the quality of the product and we are sure the children will be excited to crawl into their new, fun and colourful beds. 

Most of the staff are not aware that the new cribs/beds are coming. Though it's not a possibility, Barbara wishes she could send all the children and staff away for a day while the old furniture is removed and new is brought in. 

Thank you to those of you who have helped to make this project possible. We feel very privileged to be the link between the team members in Canada and those here in Uganda. 


  1. I'm teary eyed with amazement at how all this is coming together. God is so good. BLDC

  2. Amazing, sounds like these cribs will last a long time.
