Sunday 16 April 2017


During our layover in Montreal we noticed several Relay shops throughout the airport. They sold items a traveller may need or want.

Since we had lots of time on our hands I decided to look the word relay up in an online dictionary.

Relay: (n)- a group of people engaged in a task or activity for a fixed period of time and then replaced by a similar group
(v)- receive and pass on info or a message.

We realized then that our journies to Uganda and specifically Sanyu Babies' Home involve a relay is comprised of people who encourage us to do it, who pray for us, who support us financially and/or donate to Sanyu, those who help us with fundraisers or donate suitcases and our families and employers who release us to serve. 

Along the way we appreciate the people cheering us on, even when they say "Entebbe, Gate T and you need to run."

When we arrived here after that leg of the relay we were given water and snacks by another encourager.

Some message us while we are here through various means of technology...from Canada and Uganda.

There are also those involved in the relay on this side of the world. Missionary friends have taught us how to get along here. Fellow guest house volunteers have shown us the ropes, including how to cross the street. Barbara, the director, patiently hears our numerous questions and ideas. And now Sarah who has a relay team of her own making the cribs and toddler beds. 

We thank God for the many members of this relay team (known and as yet unknown) that He has engaged in this adventure of helping orphaned and abandoned children. 

May God bless each of you for your participation.


  1. Exciting to read your messages each day and to read how the precious children are growing and being loved. Wonderful that you can be there on Easter Sunday - resurrection day. The pictures you sent were in our bulletin this morning - they are so cute!! Praying for all of you. DM

  2. So many puzzle pieces, but they all seem to be fitting together....takes a relay team to find them all & put them where they need to go! Praying things continue to fit together as the Master has planned out ahead. BLDC
