Saturday 15 April 2017


What a joy it has been to be reunited with those children who were here at Sanyu during our visit last year. Many of them we have been able to recognize immediately, others we questioned and have had to ask staff or other volunteers to confirm their identity, and a few look entirely different.  

Even those we quickly recognized have changed, though. For instance, sweet Malaika who is missing both lower arms was just sitting last year. She is now walking, climbing, holding her own cup and feeding herself snacks...and is able to hold her own in what is sometimes a push and shove world. 

Twins Maureen and Ethan, tiny newborns who arrived the day before we left last year, are now able to stand in their cribs and will no doubt soon be walking. 

Change is one of the constants in life and we've seen more since arriving here besides the growing children. 

One of the biggest changes is that 21 of the 48 children who were here last year have, thankfully, have been fostered or reunited with relatives. But 26 others have arrived, meaning Sanyu is now over capacity. 

There have been few changes among the staff, but there is a new nurse (who diligently promotes hand washing) and some of the staff have changed roles. Margaret, the cook, is now a mama and seems happy in her new position.  

The building that houses the children also has a new face. The outside has been freshened up with new paint. Some painting has also been done inside and some of the rooms have new floor tiles. 

The outside thatched hut/shelter has had a makeover. We are also told construction of the new security wall should begin soon. 

These changes are encouraging as it shows that the place these children call home is being cared for. 

And we, too, are changing. We have changed our names back to those which Ugandans find easier to say (Sherry and Maureen) and Sanyu continues to burrow itself deeper and deeper into our hearts. It seems each time we've come our role has changed a bit and the projects have gotten bigger. We can't help but wonder what's next. 

Change is inevitable but we were reminded that we need not fear it when we read this quote on the first page of identical journals we were given at the airport:
"A new path lies before us; we're not sure where it leads; but God goes on before us, providing all out needs."


  1. So pleased that Sanyu is continuing to be a place of joy. Those little children are being loved and cared for by such very caring Mamas and support staff. Love reading these updates & look forward to them daily though I know they won't always be daily depending on wifi availability. God bless you both as you work hard helping the mamas. BLDC

  2. It is so exciting to read your blogs, to catch up on the blessings God is providing to this home for children, and to see how you two can be a part of it, as can we through you. I am having a little difficulty to post comments. Just know that we continue to pray for you and your journey in this place. May God bless you as you glorify His Name in the work you do.

    1. Thank you, Anonymous. Though we we don't know who you are, we thank you for your kind words and for your prayers.
