Friday 14 April 2017

Father and Son

On this Good Friday as we remember the gift our Heavenly Father gave us through His Son, we share what we witnessed at the babies' home this morning.

We noticed a man come join the crowd of children, staff and visitors that was seated under the hut. He had only one leg and walked with crutches, carrying a pack on his back.

He called out to a little boy who was standing near me. This boy is his son and he looks very much like his dad. The boy went to greet his dad, who took him up onto his lap. His dad took out a bag with a large chunk of pineapple which the boy eagerly licked and chewed on.

This dad spent some time with his son and before leaving stood up to wish everyone a Happy Easter and to say thank you to the brothers and sisters for looking after his boy when he can't be there. As he was leaving he gave his son another gift...a nice bread roll. The boy carried it around taking bites from it.

The gifts this child received today are perishable. The gift Father God gave us, through His Son Jesus, on Good Friday is imperishable. Through Him we find true life... life that is more than we can imagine.

John 3:16 NIV- For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift... Jesus His Son, who looks like him and who likes to spend time with us and lavish good gifts on us.

1 comment:

  1. You both are such an inspiration to me. My heart is swelling as I read of your feelings and emotions. We serve an awesome God.
