Tuesday 18 April 2017

Plenty of Lack

The past couple of days as we went about helping the overworked nurse, we have noticed some definite lack.

The medical scale she used to weigh the older children is similar to what we would use in our homes in Canada but it needs to be replaced. There is nothing covering the face of the scale and a bunch of children gather round and spin the needle gauge while the nurse tries to get the weights.

After the infants had been weighed, on the baby scale, one of the toddlers sat on that scale and broke it.

The nurse also lacked bandage scissors and used a scalpel blade with her fingers to cut a piece of bandage off of a roll.

We met with Barbara today and with a smile said "could you help us with a couple small projects?" No doubt she will get on with quotes for those tomorrow.

A different lack we noted last evening before dark was 2 children sitting alone in different spots along the side of the street, without apparent adult supervision. One of the children looked to be about 3 years old. He or she waved to us. We found this to be disturbing and decided to go back and talk with staff at the restaurant we had just exited. Before we got there we saw the second somewhat older child lying down on the sidewalk. People were walking past them like this is normal.

The greeter at the restaurant told us this is not unusual and that there would be a mother watching somewhere.  She said sometimes people give the children money or food, or take them in to the restaurant for a meal. She reassured us that they were being cared for. Then we wondered if we should have given them some food.

There is plenty of financial lack for most of the staff we talk to.  School fees, transportation and housing are common concerns.

It is hard to know how to help, and we know we can't fix all the problems.
But we can rely on the One who can and let Him show us what to do.

Jeremiah 33:3 " Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. "


  1. I believe God has been showing you gals so many ways you can help...even with seemingly little things like bandage scissors. I also believe He is using you to encourage those working there so be encouraged that you are where you are & following His leading. BLDC

  2. Where there is lack God is able. He blessed in the past two years and I know He will do amazing things again! We will pray for discernment for you both as you seek to serve Him each day in the mission He has placed on your hearts. We love you and are so glad God has placed you there right now to be a blessing. HG
