Saturday 6 May 2017

Together We "Can"

Sometime after our arrival here in Uganda, I was scrolling on Facebook and came across a CBC headline that caught my attention. The article had been "shared" by a friend and was about recyclables in New Brunswick. 

I clicked on the link. It was astounding to learn that $4 million in refunds went uncollected in the province last year when people chose not to redeem their recyclable beverage containers.

During the past few weeks we have been immersed in an environment that makes us keenly aware of the world's inequalities. We are surrounded by the poverty of a developing country. And every day we see the faces of 50+ little ones that, mainly as a result of that poverty, have been neglected, abandoned or discarded. 

These are the precious children who have been rescued from appalling circumstances and are being lovingly cared for at Sanyu Babies' Home. This is the place God has called us to. This is the place where many of you have so generously helped to make a difference. 

You have read about projects which, as a result of that generosity, we have been able to fund together - cribs, glasses, medical care... We are constantly amazed at how God is able to stretch and multiply the shillings at our disposal. 

Can you imagine what He could do with $4 million dollars?

If your recyclables are being sent to a landfill or if you're not currently using the refund from your redeemable items to help some other charitable project, would you consider Sanyu Babies' Home? For those who use the redemption centres in Quispamsis, Hampton or Sussex, it's easy. Just advise the attendant that you would like your refund donated to Sanyu (the orphanage in Uganda). We have had this in place for some time and can assure you that we do receive the donations and it has been helpful in funding the projects you've read about. If you don't live in one of those areas but would still like to be part of this effort, feel free to contact one of us and, after you have received your refund, we'd be happy to make arrangements to collect it. 

The leadership of Sanyu has great vision for its future, and for the future of each child they nurture here until that child becomes part of a "forever" family. Sometimes it's the simplest things that can turn vision into reality. 

So as you consider what to do with that empty can or bottle please think of these little faces. 

Every nickel can make difference!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful little children and all part of God's creation! Hard to believe that so much in our part of the world is wasted and could be used so effectively in places like Sanyu - it is so easy to make donations via the redemption centres. BLDC
