Tuesday 20 January 2015

First Week in Uganda

Yesterday got off to a rough start with a message that my sister in NB had been diagnosed with meningitis.  Also Cheryl woke up with a sore throat and fever and spent most of the day in bed. Thankfully both seem to be on the mend. 

Enough about the negative stuff. We want to give you a glimpse into what things are like for us here in Uganda. 

Cheryl has stayed away from the babies home the past two days. I've spent the mornings hanging laundry to dry,  organizing clothes and sorting beans (discarding stones, twigs and bad beans).  Evenings are spent helping to feed the babies their supper or bottles, get them bathed and settled for the night. 

Navigating our neighbourhood is quite an adventure. Travelling from Saint John, NB to Kampala, Uganda was a cinch compared to getting across the street in front of our guesthouse. Picture a busy street in Toronto with no lines to mark lanes, no traffic lights and cars, bodas (motorcycle taxis), taxi vans and buses all driving on the wrong (left-for the most part) side of the road fighting to get where they want to be. We ventured out with Jodi, another guest here on Saturday. As we stood on the side of the street, dazed by the chaos, Eric, Jodi's regular boda driver came along. He very kindly got off his boda, held up his hand to stop traffic and escorted us to the other side while we followed him like ducklings. After making our way back up the hill from the coffee shop we were in the same predicament, when what to our wondering eyes should appear once again - Eric!  God provides for our every need. 

Last night as we began to settle down for the night the power went out. The generator provided light but with no power to the plugs our beloved fan was out of service. With 30+ temps our room gets very hot and it felt like a bad end to a somewhat rough day. But when I opened up my Bible, I read these words which I had under lined. They remined us we are exactly where God wants us to be.

"I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:9 & 10). 

It was a great reassurance t both of us. 


  1. Hi, just read your update on the Blog, sounds like an interesting place, don't get run over on the highway.
    Clifford DeLong

    1. We went to the ATM today and managed to safely cross the street on our own.

  2. What a delightful surprise to find your message on the blog today! Prior to this, I had discovered that you arrived safely as I saw Clifford on Sunday morning at Quispamsis United (Layton preached there). I called Donna to let her know so she was glad to get the news too. Now we'll follow your blog updates.
    Remember: Mungu analinda, Muriel! Mungu analinda, Cheryl.
    Blessings, Greta

  3. Sounds like the adventure of a lifetime. Survival of the fittest. Sounds like you'll have more than enough navigational stories to spread over the next year or two.
    Keep your head up and stay safe. Hope you don't catch Cheryl's bug.
