Monday 26 January 2015

Bath Time

It was a wild time at bath time tonight. Picture Cheryl and I kneeling over two wet and naked two-year-olds who are wiggling all over a mat on the floor while we try to dry them off and wrestle them into their nappies and night clothes. 
The task was already challenging enough when suddenly a four- year-old jumped on my back like a monkey. I knew it must look funny so turned to tell Cheryl to look at the situation I was in. When I did, I discovered she wouldn't be able to see a thing until she removed the towel that had been place over her head like a veil by another toddler. 
These are the moments that bring us joy and laughter. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you survived! Must have been funny to see - too bad there wasn't a video of it!! BLDC
