Thursday 22 January 2015

The Sounds of Kampala

It seems Kampala is never quiet and the sounds we hear are as varied as you can imagine. 
Of course in the babies home there are the sounds of children laughing, crying and repeated greetings of " 'ello" (which are accompanied by a leg hug or hopeful outstretched arms.)
The sounds around our guesthouse consist of the chatter of other guests, music from the boys' (young men working at or near Sanyu) quarters, some type of chirping beetle, the squawk of ibis' (birds), clucking of chickens and the crowing  of roosters. 
And then there are the other sounds from beyond the fence and gate--moving traffic, the incessant beep-beep of the bodas, the blaring horns of other vehicles, the Muslim call to prayer from a nearby mosque several times a day, frequent ambulance sirens, and the drone of a preacher (or somebody in some non-English language) making his message known over a loud-speaker somewhere in the vicinity. 
Talk about auditory over-stimulation. 
So now it's time for me to put in the ear plugs (Cheryl relies on her iPod) and enjoy a quiet nights sleep. 

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