Wednesday 28 January 2015


Today was a day of mixed emotions.  We were able to talk to Barbara, the administrator, this morning about what we have in mind for providing some education to the staff regarding hygiene and safety issues we've identified. Barbara is a wonderful, hardworking lady who lives out the mission of Sanyu Babies' Home by "providing Christ-like love" to the children by using the gifts she has been blessed with. We were pleased that our thoughts and ideas were well received and pray we will be able to implement them in a way that will have a lasting impact. 
This afternoon the nurse on duty called me in from outside to inform me that Florence, the 3-week-old baby whose weight and feedings I've been monitoring would be "graduating" to join the bigger infants in a room of 10.  She's been feeding well and slowly gaining weight. However, the reason for the move was that her crib in "isolation" would be needed for a new arrival. 
We were thrilled that they allowed us to be part of the admission process for wee Joselyn.  She is a very bright newborn who was found abandoned.  It was a teary time for us as we got to hold, snuggle, and pray for this precious new life--tears of sadness that this dear child had been unwanted and discarded but tears of joy that she had been rescued and can now be cared for at Sanyu.  And Cheryl was blessed to feed her her first bottle. 
We wonder what plans God has for this sweet girl. 


  1. Tears of sadness & joy here too. Praying that God will watch over her as we know He is! He brought her to Sanyu. So glad that the administration there is open to your help. Praying that you will have teaching opportunities which will be welcomed and accepted.BLDC

    1. We checked on her tonight and held her for a few minutes. She's doing well.

  2. Jambo! Donna just called and said that I should read your blog message for today because it would bring back memories. Indeed , it did! How exciting that you could be present for Joselyn's arrival at Sanyu - place of joy. I'm sure those were tears of joy that you were experiencing. Mungu analinda Joselyn.

  3. Yes, it brought back memories of another little girl. Wait until you see pictures of Florence. She looks a lot like our girl at NLH and I often start to call her the wrong name.
