Friday 23 January 2015

Nursing Kindergarten

Between us we have over 60 years of nursing experience, mostly in paediatrics, and suddenly we feel like we know nothing. 
For instance, how do you feed a group of one-year-olds?  Well here, one spoon and a bowl feeds eight. 
And what about washing them up?  One bucket and one washcloth fits all.  It goes against everything we know about infection control. 
We have heard it said here that "the babies are sick and we don't know why".  We feel we might know at least part of the reason but we understand we must build trust and relationships before suggestions will be accepted.  Also, the language barrier and level of education are a couple of hurdles we face. 
We expect to have an opportunity to provide some formal education before we leave so pray we'll have a wise and sensitive approach to these hard-working women. 


  1. Challenges for sure but you are sensitive! and we will be praying for "God's hand upon you" as you share from your knowledge and experience. Lp & I have been praying Jabez's prayer from 1 Chronicles 4:10.
    How many workers are there to care for the babies? Do they have sufficient spoons, etc? or are you able to purchase some necessities?
    Mungu analinda Muriel & Cheryl. Blessings, GGP

  2. Thanks Greta. It's very difficult to keep track of how many mamas. I think about 15. They all seem to work with all the age groups. The children are not divided by age as they were at NLH. When I asked for more spoons to feed a group of 5 lined up on a bench I was provided with them - all purple. That was fun to keep track of as I was feeding them all from the same plate. :)
