Thursday 29 January 2015

Wet and Wild

This was a fun and exciting day for the older children at Sanyu. And for us too. We packed 14 (max capacity) adults into a taxi van and 12 of us were holding a child.  (Two other children went in a private car.)  We then embarked on a 45-min. sardine-like drive with no air conditioning. We were human car seats wearing no seat belts. There are definitely different safety standards here on many levels. 
During the trip the children were very quiet and  the most well-behaved we've seen them since we arrived - like they were wary about what was happening. 
We safely reached our destination, a play centre with a pool. While trying to entertain and contain them for about an hour while the pool was cleaned, Cheryl and I got a head start on the wet portion of the outing as the sweat began dripping from every pore - pretty much a daily occurrence. 
Finally we were all able to get into the pool and what fun we all had (except for one or two).   It was nice to be able to spend time focused only on one child doing a fun activity.  And nice to be able to spend a bit I social time with the staff. 
After a catered picnic lunch the sardine packing began again. The trip "home" was another quiet ride as most of us held a sleeping child on our laps. 
We are all grateful to the father of a volunteer who is here from the UK for the special outing he provided. 

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