Tuesday 13 January 2015

Departue Day

Kenya Kingston, the Crazy Ugandan Giraffe is anxious to get this adventure under way. 
Departure day has arrived.  It's time to soon zip up these bags and pray they are all within airline limits and that they'll arrive in Kampala with us tomorrow night.
Thank you all so much for your many expressions of support, including much of the contents of this luggage which will help meet some needs of precious children and their caregivers in Uganda.
Your prayers and words of encouragement for us are appreciated more than you can imagine.  Please continue to remember us and we'll do our best to keep you updated on this journey that God has prepared for us.

1 comment:

  1. Great to know that you made it safe and sound and that you have been catching up on some jet lag. Do hope all goes well. We know that God's hand will be upon you. God Bless. RGD.
