Monday 11 April 2016


T-minus one week.

The push is on now to get all the final details looked after before departure - remember when to start taking the anti-malarial pills, remember all the documents we need, remember to pack Cup-a-Soup (we discovered sometimes salt is a good thing), remember...

So much to remember.  So much to look forward to.

We can hardly wait to be back at Sanyu with the precious children and the wonderful staff who care for them day in and day out.  We look forward to seeing how much the babies have grown that we looked after last year.  We look forward to meeting new little ones and enjoying their snuggles and having them scramble for a place on our laps.  We look forward to reconnecting with the staff we said goodbye to last February.

And we look forward to seeing how God may wish to use us to show His love.  Last January 24th we read this from the Our Daily Bread devotional while we were at Sanyu, "Today people all around us are in need of someone to take action to help them.  It is a high privilege to become the hands of God as we respond on His behalf to cries for help."  A high privilege indeed.

May we be sensitive to their cries.  May we be wise in our response.

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