Saturday 23 April 2016

Not Quite Like Home

Although we feel like we're able to manage on our own in this culture a little better than when we were here last year we are continuously reminded that we are no longer in Canada. 

Cell phones are very affordable here so we removed the SIM cards from our phones from home to avoid massive roaming charges and purchased a phone here to use locally. Today the phone was getting low on minutes so we went to a street-side stall/shop (not really sure what to call the opening in the wall next to the butcher) where they sell air time. Our understanding was that we were purchasing 80 minutes. With help from the guesthouse manager we successfully "topped up" the mobile minutes. Great! Then a minute later a text was received offering congratulations on successfully adding 8 minutes to our air time. Great!

There was an over-abundance of volunteers at the babies' home so we took the opportunity to explore on foot by walking up Namirembe Hill to St. Paul's Cathedral. On a notice board outside there was information about the cost of a wedding and what was included - cleaning, counselling, registration and a refund of 10,000 shillings if the bride and groom arrive on time. 

No. We are not in Canada. 


  1. Quite the learning curve! BLDC

  2. Each time you go, you will be like a native. Glad you were able to do some exploring. Leona
