Sunday 24 April 2016

Mamas and Babies

The staff at Sanyu are very dedicated to the babies who have been placed in their care. After spending just a few hours at a time with the children, we gain more and more respect for the energy and commitment that's required. 

The responsibility on the shoulders of these amazing women is tremendous. 

Though many of the children are generally healthy, several have serious health concerns and developmental delays. For example, there are two babies estimated to be approximately 8 months old but weigh less than 12 lbs.  Another little girl was born with the lower half of her arms missing. 

So please remember in your prayers these little ones who face, not only the injustice of being orphaned but significant additional challenges and also remember the caregivers who provide for their daily needs. 


  1. I love reading your blog posts and getting an understanding of the place and the help you are providing there. HBM

  2. Oh my. Certainly lots to pray for. Glad you and Cheryl are able to help ease burden for caregivers and give little ones much needed love. Leona

  3. Well done! Brave women! Your labour of love will never go unrewarded. Hope you get to do your presentation soon.
    Tots & Prayers. Adenike
