Thursday 21 April 2016

The Blessing of Giving

"It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)
For all of you who gave in various ways as we prepared to come to Uganda you should feel very blessed. 
When we delivered the items that we carried in our luggage the director and the nurse offered countless "thank yous". We would love to have had each of you join us as each bottle of gummy vitamins, every bottle of Tylenol, each package of spoons, medical supplies, etc. were counted, recorded and received as well as the suitcase full of onsies, sleepers, blankets, etc. 
And the giving isn't done. We received many cash donations before we left home as well and next week the director has agreed to accompany us on a shopping expedition. She will go with us not only to help us shop in this foreign country and culture but also to keep the merchant from giving an inflated price to us Mzungus (white people). 
It truly is blessed to give than to receive. 


  1. How wonderful! God is blessing this place though you and what you allow Him to do through you. In turn you will be blessed. HBM

  2. This is all so exciting...amazing to watch God at work in this mission. BLDC
