Friday 22 April 2016


Somewhat uneventful days go when helping to care for and entertain 50 babies and toddlers. We are thankful that temperatures are a bit cooler than the last time we were here. However, it's still hot enough that we were in a lather and pretty weary after spending the afternoon toting babies, pushing swings, twirling merry-go-rounds...  With all that and the servings of mud pies we were blessed with we came home looking (and feeling like) quite a mess...and with hearts overflowing. 


  1. Quite a day! May you both be blessed with a good night's sleep. BLDC

  2. Love reading your blog updates each day. sounds like things are going good. Praying that you will not get overtired and get good rest at night. Things are good here at home - beautiful sunrise this morning
    Love, Donna
