Tuesday 19 April 2016

We Made It

Made it to Sanyu without incident and are somewhat settled into our room. 
Couldn't resist a late night visit to see the mamas and babies and were welcomed with warm hugs and greetings. 
We were even able to have a visit with "our" girls. The mamas insisted! :)
It's now the wee hours of the morning and these weary travellers are about to lower our mosquito nets and get some shut-eye. 


  1. Good to hear that you made it safely. Paul and I are praying for you both. May you be a blessing and so be blessed in return.

  2. How exciting to be re-united with Florence and Jocelyn!!! Praying you two get a good night's sleep. I see by the weather network the temperature is pretty reasonable but the humidity is high....showers forecast. New adventures await...can't wait to read all about them. BLDC

  3. Great to know that you arrived safe and sound and welcomed so warmly. God indeed is good. Bob.

  4. Glad you made it safely. I know you will be a blessing to the Mama's and babies. Praying for you both
    Love, Donna Jer. 29:11-13

  5. Thanksgiving! for your safe arrival...for the immediate visit with your babies...for the welcome from the Mamas...
    for this means of communicating which let's us know about all the above. Blessings. Love & Prayers, Greta
