Wednesday 18 May 2016

Farewell Sanyu

Departure day is always emotional and today is no different as we say "so long" to our Sanyu family. 

There have been other emotional events this week. On Monday we were privileged to witness Josephine leave to join her permanent family - the ultimate goal for each baby that is rescued. 

Today we met one-week-old Ethan and Maureen, twins who arrived last evening.  

So farewell until next time, Sanyu. May God continue to use and bless you as you serve Him so faithfully each and every day. 


  1. My heart is somewhat heavy knowing how you both must be feeling right now..... So blessed but so sad to leave the wonderful staff and those sweet little babes. Have a safe trip. You're in our prayers! HG

  2. Praying as you travel and then "welcome home".

  3. Muriel and Cheryl, you are probably already home now or very close to it. Hope you had safe travels. I can imagine that you left Sanyu physically, but left your hearts there! Will be looking forward to hear more of the babies and your trip at a later time. LMR
