Monday 2 May 2016

Wonky Weekend

Sanyu internet has come back to life so we'll share a few lighter moments we experienced over the weekend when we weren't able to post. 

On Saturday afternoon we heard a great commotion behind the guest house. Some of the guys who live just a few yards up the bank were laughing and yelling. We went out to investigate and discovered that Robert had climbed into the upper branches of the huge avocado tree with a long wooden rod and was sending down one avocado after another to the guys below who were trying to catch them. More landed with a thunk on the ground than into their waiting hands. They are the size of a small squash (and delicious by the way) so we were glad no one, including us, got hit on the head. 

Yesterday morning we decided to go to Kampala Baptist Church. Cheryl called John, a driver we have used a few times, to arrange to take us there. He arrived punctually at 10:30 and off we went. After a couple of turns onto a couple of streets he asked if we knew how to get to Kampala Baptist. Ahh. No. We called our friend, Laura, who spoke to John and was able to point him in the right direction. No problem. 

One of our funniest experiences happened on our way home from Javas, the coffee shop/restaurant we walk to from time to time. We made it back up the hill and picked our spot where we like to cross the street - within sight of Sanyu but away from the intersection. Remember, there is no crossing light or stop light or crosswalk. It's a matter of finding a gap in traffic (cars, trucks, buses, matatus, bodas, bicycles) long enough to make a mad dash. Well, traffic was especially busy Saturday afternoon and we are not big risk takers in these situations so ended up standing with our heads on a swivel for 15 minutes. Eventually a kind young Ugandan man approached us from somewhere and asked if we'd like his help. Oh. Yes please. He stepped onto the street, held up his hand and accompanied us to the other side. When we offered him a bag of chips in appreciation of his assistance, he grinned and politely accepted. 

God continues meet our every need!  And provide some light moments in the midst of all the troubling needs we see around us. 


  1. Right down to the street crossings, God is finding the right people at the right time!! BLDC

  2. :) Light moments that lighten the heart. Enjoy! HG

  3. these are wonderful stories. Maybe the posts would have been different had there been wifi, lol?
