Saturday 14 May 2016

Photo Day

Before we left home, we received several donations of clothing for the children. We delivered most of them soon after our arrival but saved out 18 onsies until today. 

After the youngest babies received their baths this afternoon we dressed them in  new attire for a photo shoot. 

Picture it. One mama undressing them, another mama bathing them and passing the babies off to us and a couple of others who dried and dressed them, fed the youngest ones and laid/sat them all on a large mat. 

By the time that process was complete, some were not so happy.  After getting them consoled (for the most part) we got lots of pictures of them in their new duds. 

As the staff says, they "looked smart."

Before we were done we got some shots of individuals and small groups. This included Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. We can't help but wonder what "fires" God has rescued them from. 

We aren't professional photographers but we hope to have at least a few good pictures to share when we get home to show the results of the days efforts. 


  1. Ahhh....can't wait to see those pictures! Sounds like it was fun for the most part. BLDC

  2. Those are pictures I will wait with anticipation to see! Imagining it doesn't quite do justice to what you must have enjoyed...despite the struggle. :) HG
