Tuesday 3 May 2016

God's Math

Today God showed us, once again, how He is continuing to stretch the donation dollars He has entrusted us with. It seems He is able to multiply them beyond our imagination and continues to show us the things to spend them on. 

The older children wear cloth diapers covered with plastic pants that fasten with Velcro on the sides. Except the Velcro is no longer functional on the ones they have.  You can imagine the problem this creates.  At our request Barbara had obtained a price to purchase new ones and we discussed the number of diaper changes per day. We were able to purchase the 200 pairs of plastic pants required for a day's worth of diaper changes which were delivered later in the day. 

Another need is new sheets.  Since the the cribs are a variety of sizes the most practical way to meet the need is to purchase fabric and have them made. And so, another need was met today as four bolts of fabric were also delivered. 

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." Hebrews 13:16 (NIV) 

It is a joy to see God use and multiply what so many have shared. 


  1. Tears in my eyes right now. How blessed that God has allowed us here to have a small part in Him being able to meet these needs. Thank you girls for having the vision and following God's leading to return and help them once again! HG

  2. Truly uplifting moments for you when you see these sorts of things happening! BLDC

  3. Our God is awesome! Thank you ladies for being the hands and feet of Jesus. God bless you.
