Friday 13 May 2016

We're Back

We're back online.  We're back in the northern hemisphere. We're back from an amazing safari. 

We took a road trip a few hours away where we went on a safari in Lake Mburo National Park yesterday. 

At the park entrance an armed guide joined us in our van. He gave us lots of information about the park and about the wildlife. 

We saw a variety of animals - cape buffalo, impalas, several other members of the antelope family and monkeys. All fascinating. 

But we have to admit we had a couple of favourites, the first being the zebras. Their elegant stripes are striking in the midst green landscape and red Ugandan soil. They are a bit shy but one mama actually allowed us to watch while her baby nursed for several minutes. So cute. 

In June of last year 15 giraffes were transported to this park from another one further north. For much of the day our driver, Bosco, and the guide (who never did have to use his gun :) scanned the bushes and hillsides in the hope of catching a glimpse of them. Much of the time we had to drive with the windows closed due to swarms of tse tse flies (which can carry disease). 

After covering all the areas of the park but one, we drove down one more road and were amazed to discover the entire herd in an open area. As we sat awestruck and with cameras clicking, Bosco asked if we'd like to get out and have our pictures taken with them. Yes indeed! 

It was incredible to stand within feet of these majestic creatures as they curiously watched us trying to contain our excitement over this unbelievable opportunity. So blessed. 

"For the beauty of the earth, 
for the glory of the skies, 
for the love which from our birth 
over and around us lies; 
Lord of all, to thee we raise 
this our hymn of grateful praise."


  1. Incredible indeed! I hope you show pictures to Kenya Kingston the Ugandan Giraffe so he knows what his real kinfolk look like. BLDC

  2. Oh.....that reminds me of another safari and another herd of giraffes and a not so quiet trio!!!! Praying for you both. DM

  3. How exciting!!! Wish I could have been there to enjoy such majestic beauty! Glad God blessed you so greatly! HG
