Thursday 5 May 2016

He Who Seeks Finds

After two weeks in the constant noise of Kampala and our minds focusing on the immense need around us, we decided to take a 24-hour vacation. So yesterday we headed to Red Chilli Hideaway, an upscale hostel-type facility on the outskirts of the city. 

Even on "vacation" God places people in our path who are in search of Him. As we waited for our shuttle to pick us up at a mall we had lunch at a small restaurant. Our waiter, Ronnie, began to ask us about our religion. We told him we were Christians. 

He asked if we were born again and indicated he felt that wasn't possible for him because of his denomination. 

We shared with Ronnie that God's love is for everyone, including him. We encouraged him to continue to seek God and were able to leave him with an Our Daily Bread devotional booklet and write the reference John 3:16 on it. He was familiar with the verse. 

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Hebrews 11:6)


  1. It is wonderful to see how God is working through you and Cheryl. He will bless Sanyu through you and you will be blessed in return. We continue to pray for your safety and for the work that you are doing. It is so nice that you can have a day to rest too. HBM

  2. You've planted the seed, the harvest is the Lord's. Praying that Ronnie will find what he is searching for. BLDC

  3. God continues to use you both in so may ways. We knew before you left that there would be many opportunities to share His wonderful love with those in that country and reading your blogs is confirmation of that. Thanks for being available and ready to be used! Blessings be upon you both as you continue your ministry there. HG
