Tuesday 17 May 2016


Yesterday, with the help of Joel, the guesthouse manager, we planned an ice cream party for the Sanyu staff. The concept of sundaes seemed new to them, but they enjoyed the treat along with sodas. 

We used this opportunity to express our appreciation for the amazing work these men and women do every day to serve the children and for the way they share God's love with joy. 

We weren't expecting the gathering to also include a lengthy report by Barbara to give an account to the staff of the things we've been able to provide with the donation money. As she spoke in Luganda, her words were interspersed with cheering and clapping by those encircling the large outdoor thatched shelter. We were glad Barbara did speak not in English so we were able to "keep it together" for the most part before we had a chance to express our thanks to them. 

There was a "handover" as some items  were available for staff to see - towels, bed sheets, potties. Then, the uniforms that are completed were given out and the others are aware theirs are coming. 
After that there was praying and singing and drumming. And then there were the individuals who thanked and hugged us. So humbling.


  1. What a day! Praise God from whom all blessings flow. BLDC

  2. I agree with BLDC. It was great for you to organize something new for the staff like an ice cream party!

  3. How wonderful! God must have been smiling as he watched that blessed fellowship! Thanks for blessing us with the recounting of this time of joy!! HG
